Co-operative Community
What is a co-operative?
A co-operative structure provides parents with the opportunity to actively participate in all aspects of the school. At Morrow, a director oversees the school, accredited teachers run the classrooms, and parents serve as aides in the classrooms, participate in events and govern the school as board volunteers.
How it works at Morrow?
Co-operative Classes
Parents and caretakers assist our teachers with the day-to-day classroom activities approximately 9-10 times each year. This involvement is extremely valuable, as it provides the teachers with a greater opportunity to work one-on-one with the children.
The co-operative model also helps with transition. It helps children adjust from a home schedule to a regular school schedule, and offers parents a unique opportunity to be part of their child’s early classroom experiences.
KinderBridge class
The KinderBridge program includes a dedicated teacher and aide in the classroom. Parents are welcome to visit, participate and volunteer, but there is not a classroom commitment as part of this program.
Partial and non Co-op Options
We now offer a partial co-op option. With this option, families participate as the helping parent approximately half the time of a full co-op parent.
We also offer a non co-op option. With this option, you would not participate in any helping parent days in the classroom.
The partial and non co-op options are available for all classes.
Co-operative Community
The co-operative model creates a valuable community where families get to know each other and children safely learn how to interact with adults and children in a variety of situations. This happens organically through the day-to-day, as well as through events and volunteer activities throughout the school year.
Parents are an integral part of Morrow Memorial Preschool experience. The support from our families has helped make Morrow Memorial Preschool a warm and caring place. In order to maintain the quality of our school, parents are expected to participate in the following activities:
Attend class as the helping parent (based on co-op plan selected).
Participate in one school clean up day/night each year.
Support our school fundraising efforts.
Participate in one volunteer role/event each year.
MMPS Board
The Morrow Preschool Board is made up of parent volunteers. Full descriptions are available in the parent handbook.